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A work in perpetual evolution


For the past few years, I’ve been interested in the damaging ecological impact that theater and film have and how to make a difference. I spent the last year of my baccalaureate at Concordia to immerse myself in the subject and do several research and projects: research during the Prague quadrennial 2019 on eco-responsibility in theater, internship with Ecosceno and reflection with a designer of sustainable costumes, zero-waste costume and sustainable design projects.

In Montreal, sustainable scenography has just started to develop and is still an inexact science. We think, we try, we learn and we are far from perfect ...! By doing this research, I wholeheartedly hope to find more and more solutions to offer my design colleagues eco-friendly alternatives that are easy to access, as well as the information and resources they need.


Sustainable costumes resources
June 2020
How eco-conception stimulates our creativity
May 2020
Sustainable costumes
Meeting with Cynhtia St-Gelais
Les Enfants, Jean Duceppe Theatre
February 2020
Research on sustainable textures
June 2019
Sustainability in theater
Prague Quadrennial 2019
June 2019
Questioning Gender Conventions in Dance & Costumes
Eco-responsible conception
December 2019
The Killing of a Sacred Duck-edit-36.jpg
The Killing of a Sacred Duck
Short Work Festival - Concordia University
Eco-responsible conception
Mai 2020
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